Saturday, May 6th, 2023 The British Club Bangkok held a great party as part of King Charles’ Coronation.
One of our pipers, Chan, was able to be there, and so we got some much more pronounced harmonies. It was pretty awesome, and sounded great!
We thought we were going to play at about 4pm, but just after the pipers got in 1 single warm-up tune an organizer popped their head into our room, and gave us a 2-minute-heads up at 3:20. Neither of our drummers had made it to the British Club yet.
We piped in the U.K. Ambassador, a little bit of the ol’ Scotland the Brave from the parking lot to the stage.
Previously we had played the British Club’s birthday party, link here.

A video of piping the Coronation celebration in Bangkok
Ambassador’s letter and toast
The ambassador read a letter from King Charles, and then gave a toast to the new king, and then to the King of Thailand.
– They did NOT have glasses of anything for the band to drink/toast with, in case anyone was curious.
Our lead side drummer George had arrived by the time the speech and toast were finished, so we had some percussion for us to play Highland Laddie as we led the ambassador away from the stage.
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