Burn’s night in Bangkok, I returned to play my bagpipes at the Londoner Brew pub. This year, the event happened on a Saturday, and was a great time. I played outside the pub for a few minutes, and then played from upstairs dining area to open for the more normal music. Always happy to play my bagpipes in Bangkok.
- Saturday, January 25th
- at The Londoner Brew Pub
- Burn’s Night Facebook Event Page

What is Burn’s Night?
The national poet of Scotland is Robert Burns, and Burn’s Night is celebrated (on or near) January 25th, the day of his birth. It is a holiday that celebrates the poet, and all things Scottish.
Common ways to celebrate the man’s work is recite his poetry out loud, or in my case, to play some of the tunes that he put words to, especially “A Man’s A Man For A That,” and Auld Lang Syne.
This will be my 3rd year playing at the Londoner for Burn’s Night in Bangkok. I played with the Bangkok Pipe Band in 2023, and last year I just played on my own.

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