Dawn Service at Australian School + British Club Birthday

Dawn Service at Australian School + British Club Birthday

Early Saturday morning, April 22nd, the Australian International School in Bangkok held a dawn service for ANZAC day. Crossing the city in a taxi at 5 a.m. was a little rough, but was worth it to get there in time and get everything situated to play.

The Dawn Service ceremony started at 6, so Mr. Nutt and I tuned up in a small classroom, instead of playing outside where we might have woken up the neighbors. Not too different from when we played a wedding in Koh Samui.

We played the standard Flowers of the Forest. This was not a tune that I had a much experience playing in Scotland, in Texas, or anywhere. However, it seems to be an very important tune for the the Bangkok Pipe Band and for the various events we play. I had previously learned the tune to play at the rededication ceremony at the British club last year.

Speaking of the British Club Bangkok, the following day was the club’s birthday celebrations.

British Club Bangkok’s 120th Birthday

The British club Bangkok Pipe Band, as the “house pipe band,” had a couple pipers, and George on the side drum, to lead the birthday cake around the main building to the outdoor patio where the celebrations were taking place next to the pool. We marched to the tune of Happy Birthday, and finished at the bottom o the steps. Afterwards we played a couple sets of the band’s standards.

2 responses to “Dawn Service at Australian School + British Club Birthday”

  1. ANZAC day Hellfire pass 2023 – wigipiper.com

    […] have a dawn service that involves a couple pipers play Flowers of the Forest. After playing at the Australian International school a few days prior, Mr. Nutt and I would be waking up early to be the pipers playing the lament, and […]

  2. […] Previously we had played the British Club’s birthday party, link here. […]

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Bagpiper leaning into the camera

Clif “Wigi”

“I love to play bagpipes, and am always looking for more opportunities to play… preferably where pipes would be welcome. And legal, too”